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时间:2018-06-14 浏览次数:

题目:地下物理-生化-机械-水利耦合过程 在生活垃圾处理与能源回收中的应用

Investigating subsurface physical-biochemical-mechanical-hydraulic coupled processes

– Application in municipal solid waste treatment and energy generation

报告人:Dr. Xunchang Fei, Assistant Professor (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)





Proper management and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) remains an unresolved global problem. The amount of MSW generated and disposed of in the past decades is staggering, while the generation rate of MSW is expected to keep increasing due to steady increase of population and prosperity worldwide. One solution to handle the existing and future MSW is to move away from modern “dry tomb” landfills emphasizing containment to next generation bioreactor landfills to promote degradation of MSW and enhance CH4 generation and its collection as alternative energy. The technology is still immature and based largely on empiricism, but my and others research indicate that it has the ability to transform waste to innocuous state, generate significant amount of sustainable energy, reduce greenhouse gas emission, and gradually eliminate the unsustainable “legacy” of landfills.


Specific efforts include: (1) in-situ monitoring of landfills using sensor-driven cyber-infrastructure; (2) multi-scale experimental investigation on coupled physical-biochemical-mechanical-hydraulic processes during long-term biodegradation of MSW using large-size laboratory simulators; (3) characterization of static and dynamic mechanical properties of MSW using a unique large-size dynamic simple shear device coupled with shear-wave velocity measurement; (4) field measurements of shear-wave velocity and methane generation of MSW in mega-scale landfills; and (5) evaluating methane emission and collection, moisture management, soil cover usage and other practices in landfills to inform landfill operation.


Dr. Xunchang Fei obtained his bachelor degree from Tongji University in Shanghai, China, and obtained a doctoral degree in environmental engineering and two master degrees in civil engineering and environmental engineering from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, United States. He worked as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Michigan and King Abdullah University of Science Technology in Saudi Arabia between 2016 and 2018. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


His main research interest is subsurface coupled processes and their applications in civil and environmental engineering. His doctoral research studied coupled processes in municipal solid waste undergoing biodegradation in landfills, with emphases on energy generation and waste stabilization. His postdoctoral research focused on the impact of chemical reactions on physical and mechanical properties of geomaterials, with major applications in underwater and subsurface explorations.


He has published more than 20 journal papers and conference proceedings in the field of waste management, geoenvironmental engineering and environmental molecular biology. He was awarded multiple U.S. nationwide and university-wide fellowships during his graduate study, totaling more than $100,000.



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