Dr. Huabei Liu Professor of Geotechnical Engineering School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics Huazhong University of Science and Technology Tel.:+86-27-8755-7960 Email:hbliu (at) hust (dot) edu (dot) cn Prof. Liu’s publication profile can be found at: https://publons.com/researcher/1758593/huabei-liu/ or https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=8582096500 刘华北,博士 (Ph.D.),男,raybet最佳电子竞技平台教授,院长,曾任美国纽约城市大学及清华大学副教授。刘华北教授分别于1996年、1999年、2003年毕业于河海大学、清华大学、以及美国哥伦比亚大学,获水利工程学士、水工结构硕士及土木工程博士学位。长期从事岩土地下工程、地震工程、以及土力学的教学科研工作。目前负责本科生《土力学》、《土动力学》、研究生《高等岩土力学》、留学生《高等土力学》等的课堂教学工作,他还与同事一起讲授《土木类学科概论》本科课程及《岩土工程研讨专题》博士课程。热心班主任工作,十几年来分别任清华大学土木系结42班、raybet雷竞技土木1505班、土木1913班、1906班的班主任,2017年获raybet雷竞技“我最喜爱教师班主任”称号。 刘华北教授长期围绕交通土工结构的建设与抗灾开展如下领域的研究工作: 1) 土-结构物静动力相互作用理论及分析; 2) 岩土材料本构理论及模型; 3) 土工合成材料加筋土技术; 4) 土工结构抗震。 这些研究工作先后得到国家自然科学基金委、中央组织部、教育部、美国国土安全部、美国交通部等机构的支持。在这些领域共培养博士生10多名(含在读)、硕士生30多名(含在读)、博士后7名,指导本科生科研或大创项目研究20多人次。作为主要作者在国际刊物及国内核心刊物上发表学术论文100多篇(其中Geotechnique、ASCE会刊、Geotextiles and Geomembranes、岩土工程学报、Computers and Geotechnics、Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology、International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics、Acta Geotechnica、Engineering Geology、Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering、Mechanics Research Communications、Geosynthetics International、岩土力学等期刊论文80多篇)。研究成果在国际上有一定的影响,其论文在SCOPUS被他引2000多次,在SCOPUS上排除自引的H因子为25(2021年春)。因为这些研究成果,2014年刘华北教授获茅以升土力学及岩土工程青年奖,2018年其在土-结构物相互作用方面的部分研究成果获教育部自然科学二等奖(排名1)。他曾任ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering责任编辑,现任SCI期刊Canadian Geotechnical Journal以及Computers and Geotechnics的编委,是国际土协TC202、TC218、TC306的委员、同时为ASCE土工合成材料专业委员会的委员。他现任中国土工合成材料协会常务理事、中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会理事、及中国振动工程学会土动力学专业委员会委员。 Prof. Liu holds a Ph.D. degree, ME degree and BE degree, all in civil engineering, from Columbia University, Tsinghua University, and Hohai University, respectively. His research interests consist of reinforced soil structures, underground structures, geotechnical earthquake engineering, and constitutive modeling. He has published over 80 English journal papers in these areas. His work in these areas is impactful, demonstrated by the number of citations by the international community on Scopus (more than 2000 in Spring 2021). His H-index on Scopus is 27 in Spring 2021. Prof. Liu is also an editorial board member of Canadian Geotechnical Journal and Computers and Geotechnics. He serves on two technical committees of ASCE. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses related to soil mechanics, geotechnical engineering, and earthquake engineering. Each academic year, he teaches three courses plus 16 individual lectures for undergraduate freshmen or PhD students. Ten major journal papers (代表作)as of Spring 2020: 1. Liu, Huabei (2016). Required reinforcement stiffness for vertical geosynthetic reinfprced soil walls at strength limit state. Geotechnique, 66(5), 424-434. 2. Liu, Huabei (2015). Reinforcement load and compression of reinforced soil mass under surcharge loading. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 141(6), 04015017. 3. Liu, Huabei*, Zou, Degao (2013). Associated generalized plasticity framework for modeling gravelly soils considering particle breakage. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 139(5), 606-615. 4. Liu, Huabei*, Ling, Hoe I. (2012). Seismic responses of reinforced soil retaining walls and the strain softening of backfill soils. International Journal of Geomechanics, 12(4), 351-356. 5. Liu, Huabei*, Wang, Xiangyu, Song, Erxiang (2009). Long-term behavior of GRS retaining walls with marginal backfill soils. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 27(4), 295-307. 6. Liu, Huabei, Ling, Hoe I. (2008). Constitutive description of interface behavior including cyclic loading and particle breakage within the framework of critical state soil mechanics. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 32(12), 1495-1514. 7. Liu, Huabei*, Song, Erxiang (2006). Working mechanism of cutoff walls in reducing uplift of large underground structures induced by soil liquefaction. Computers and Geotechnics, 33(4-5), 209-221. 8. Liu, Huabei*, Song, Erxiang, Ling., Hoe I. (2006). Constitutive modeling of soil-structure interface through the concept of critical state soil mechanics. Mechanics Research Communications, 33(4), 515-531. 9. 刘华北 (2006). 水平与竖向地震作用下土工格栅加筋土挡墙动力分析. 岩土工程学报, 28(5), 594-599. 10. 刘华北, 宋二祥 (2005). 可液化土中地铁结构的地震响应. 岩土力学, 26(3), 381-386. Updated: 01/15/2021