王丹生,男,1973年出生于湖北黄冈。工学博士,教授,博士生导师。2006年获得raybet雷竞技结构工程专业博士学位并留校工作。现担任中国仪器仪表学会设备结构健康监测与预警分会理事,《Journal of Sound and Vibration》、《Construction and Building Materials》、《Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica》、《固体力学学报》、《浙江大学学报(工学版)》、《振动与冲击》等多个学术期刊稿件评审人。主要从事结构损伤检测与健康监测、压电及光纤传感技术、有限元分析以及结构随机振动等相关研究工作。先后承担《砌体结构》、《组合结构》及《随机振动与地震工程》等本科生及研究生课程教学。曾参与或主持完成国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点新教师基金、湖北省自然科学基金、raybet雷竞技自主创新基金以及多项横向课题的研究。目前主持一项国家自然科学基金面上项目(2013年-2016年)、一项raybet雷竞技自主创新基金(2014年-2015年),作为学术骨干承担一项国家973项目(2011年-2016年)。已在国内外学术刊物上发表论文60余篇,被SCI、EI和ISTP收录50余篇。申请专利6项,其中已授权4项。曾获2004年度湖北省优秀硕士论文奖、2007年raybet雷竞技优秀博士论文奖、2007年高等学校自然科学二等奖(排名第三)以及2008年湖北省本科生优秀毕业论文指导教师称号。
1. Wang Dansheng, Xiang Wei, Zhu Hongping, Damage identification in shear-type structures using a proper orthogonal decomposition approach, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 355: 135-149 (SCI)
2. Yang Jingwen, Zhu Hongping, Wang Dansheng and Ai Demi, The compensation technique of tensile force effect on the electromechanical impedance method for structural health monitoring, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2015, in press (SCI)
3. Wang Dansheng, Zhang Junbing, Zhu Hongping, Embedded electromechanical impedance and strain sensors for health monitoring of a concrete bridge, Shock and Vibration, 2015, Article ID 821395, 12 pages (SCI)
4. Wang Dansheng, Song Hongyuan, Zhu Hongping, Electromechanical impedance analysis on piezoelectric smart beam with a crack based on spectral element method, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, Article ID 713501, 13 pages (SCI)
5. Hu Xianyan, Zhu Hongping, Wang Dansheng, A study of concrete slab damage detection based on the electromechanical impedance method, Sensors, 2014, 14, 19897-19909 (SCI)
6. Wang Dansheng, Song Hongyuan, Zhu Hongping, Embedded 3-D electromechanical impedance model for strength monitoring of concrete using PZT transducer, Smart Materials and Structures, 2014, 23, 115019 (SCI)
7. Xiang Wei, Wang Dansheng*, Zhu Hongping, Damage identification in a plate structure based on strain statistical moment, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2014, 17(11): 1639-1555 (SCI) (通讯作者)
8. Wang Dansheng, Xiang Wei, Zhu Hongping, Damage identification in beam type structures based on statistical moment using a two step method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333: 745-760 (SCI)
9. Wang Dansheng, Song Hongyuan, Zhu Hongping, Numerical and experimental studies on damage detection of a concrete beam based on PZT admittances and correlation coefficient, Construction and Building Materials, 2013, 49: 564-574 (SCI)
10.Wang Dansheng, Zhu Hongping, Monitoring of the strength gain of concrete using embedded PZT impedance transducer, Construction and Building Materials, 2011, 25(9): 3703-3708 (SCI)